Tag Archives: triathlon training
training love
On Valentine's eve, a few things that are winning my triathlon heart right now.
shoes for tires
This weekend I'm trading run miles for the meandering Pacific coast. Bring it on.
confessions of a mid-day swimmer
Wherein I use a scientific study to justify not waking up at 5 am to train.
back to “school”
Starting a new training cycle feels like back-to-school time for adults. Nervous excitement. Unknowns. New outfits.
taper Rx
As I get ready for another half-Ironman race, I bring you my latest taper cures.
crosswords and PR’s
Need to top off your training mojo? Fire up your grey matter—just not before your key run of the week.
fuel me: huma chia energy gel
This stripped-down gel might just make you swear off sticky, gooey, food knock-offs forever.
remembrances of being a little bit fat
Golden nuggets of body-image wisdom from one of the funniest chicks around.