Tag Archives: christmas
stockpiling joy
The end of the year tends to stop me in my tracks, bringing a kind of thoughtfulness I seldom practice.
a Christmas well spent
It’s the 25th of December and I’m not in Winnipeg. I’m not even in Canada. I’m in Massachusetts, a state I’ve never visited and still need help spelling. Perched on the edge of the Berkshires,…
nuts n’ bolts
Turning the calendar to December brings many happy memories, tinged with nostalgia.
almond roca bars
It’s bound to happen about once a year: that even me and food can grow apart. But just for a short time, and of course, the break is easily remedied. Hosting a Christmas party, packing,…
sheri’s spiced apple cider
It's that time of year again when a person just can't have too many hot beverage options.
silky pumpkin pie
Yet another winner from the folks at Cook's Illustrated, this is pumpkin pie as if it's gone through all the rounds of America's Next Top Model.