Before triathlon took over my life, I was a lot more crafty. Having traded my Mod Podge in for C02 cartridges and painter’s easel for a power meter (not literally of course!), it’s been hard to find the time and inclination to flex those creative muscles. Until I embarked on this month’s little 30-day challenge, that is.
Moving into our new place in the spring reawakened the nesting impulse once again, in the form of cooking, new DIY projects, and plant accumulation. (Note: Coconut palms and money trees are low-maintenance plants for busy triathletes.) You may remember the photo of me spray painting our ugly chandelier in compression tights? I think it turned out pretty well, for this amateur.
My second project involved turning in a folder stuffed with race bibs and a bag full of medals into something worth displaying. I wasn’t sure what the end product would look like, but I was willing to try.
With a little Etsy inspiration (and a decided aversion to using Bible verses or inspirational quotes), a shelf from an old IKEA bookcase, and a brand-new tub of Mod Podge, I got to work. A drill, some cheap hooks from Home Depot, and a little help from Mark and my favorite framers, a few weeks later (Mod Podge takes a while to dry) I had my work of art. Said framer and artsy friend Rob assured me that it’s not ugly (he might have even used the words “really cool!”) and given all the hours of training and work that symbolically went into it, I’m happy with it too.
The only advice I have if you’re wanting to make one of these is something I didn’t realize: The bibs on the bottom will get covered by medals, so if you have favorites (in my case the black “2013” bib number from my first Ironman), put them near the top. Also, use less important bibs to form the first layer covering all the wood. Add your favorites last so they show up on top: in my case my first triathlon in Cazenovia New York, my first International race in Abu Dhabi, my marathon PR in Carlsbad, and that first Ironman (sigh) one year ago in Mont-Tremblant.
Put your work of art somewhere that will remind you of your achievements, and inspire you to go out and get more.

The finished product.
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